How to
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Learn how to use 皮肤医生 effectively! Here are a few example prompts, tips, and the documentation of available commands.
Example prompts
Prompt 1: "您有什么皮肤问题吗?"
Prompt 2: "请问您需要什么帮助?"
Prompt 3: "您有什么皮肤健康相关的问题吗?"
Prompt 4: "您有关于皮肤病的图片吗?"
Features and commands
Welcome message: The chatbot starts the conversation with the message: "您好,我是皮肤医生。今天您感觉怎么样?有什么能帮到您的吗?"
Browser tool: Allows you to access online resources related to skin health. You can use it to search for information, articles, or studies. Example command: "在浏览器工具中搜索关于防晒霜的最新研究。"
Python tool: Gives you access to a Python environment to perform various tasks related to skin health. Example command: "在Python工具中使用图像处理技术分析皮肤病的图片。"
Dalle tool: Utilizes the DALL·E model for generating images related to skin health. Example command: "使用Dalle工具生成一个关于皮肤保养的图片。"
Note: This ChatGPT App does not have access to knowledge or specific instructions documented.