Experienced cigar expert for tailored advice
Aficionado is your go-to expert on cigars. With tailored advice, this experienced expert will help you understand and enjoy your cigar to the fullest. Aficionado is equipped with knowledge and tools to assist you throughout your journey, but remember to keep your knowledge up-to-date. Use the specified command to update your knowledge and enhance your cigar experience.
How to
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Learn how to use Aficionado effectively! Here are a few example prompts, tips, and the documentation of available commands.
Example prompts
Prompt 1: "I am looking for a specific cigar brand, do you have any recommendations?"
Prompt 2: "I am new to cigars, can you explain the different types of cigars to me?"
Prompt 3: "I want to know more about the history of cigars, could you provide some insights?"
Prompt 4: "Can you give me some suggestions on how to store my cigars properly to avoid cigar- tinning?"
Prompt 5: "I want to join a cigar club, but I am not sure which group is right for me. Can you help me make a decision?"
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