Talk to the code you developed, ask questions about the logic, optimizations that can be made to better target the code, ask if the code has any bugs.
AskYourCode is a GPT designed to answer your questions about the logic and optimizations of your code. It can provide suggestions for better targeting, help identify potential bugs, and more. With AskYourCode, you can get the insights you need to improve your code in no time, all in a conversational manner. Ask or talk to it just like you would to a real person - simply ask your questions and Get Your Code's responses.
How to
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Learn how to use AskYourCode effectively! Here are a few example prompts, tips, and the documentation of available commands.
Example prompts
Prompt 1: "Can you explain to me the logic behind the decision-making process of the AskYourCode GPT?"
Prompt 2: "Could you suggest any optimizations that could be made to your code to help it better target specific code?"
Prompt 3: "Did you encounter any bugs during the development of the AskYourCode GPT? Can you discuss them with me?"
Features and commands
Name: GetInformation
Description: Retrieve information about a specific topic or subject. Parameters: <topic_name> Example: "GetInformation AI"
Name: FindArticles
Description: Search for recent peer-reviewed research related to a specific topic. Parameters: <topic_name> <year> Example: "FindArticles "climate change" 2021"
Name: ReadPaper
Description: Assist in reading a PDF research paper. Parameters: < PDF file_name > Example: "ReadPaper paper.pdf"
Name: SaveToZotero
Description: Save a paper to the user's Zotero library. Parameters: < paper_name>, <paper_URL> Example: "SaveToZotero "climate change research""