Logo and icon for What do I wear, a GPT with description: Your fashion-forward weather-wise stylist!. Find out more on Plugin Surf, the best ChatGPT database.

What do I wear

Your fashion-forward weather-wise stylist!

What do I wear is a fashion-forward weather-wise stylist App. It helps you decide what to wear based on the weather conditions in your city. Just enter your city and let this App take care of the rest. Whether you're going out for a walk or a bike ride, or need to dress up for a special occasion, What do I wear will suggest the perfect outfit that suits the weather. Say goodbye to mismatched clothes and hello to stylish and weather-appropriate attire! So, what are you waiting for? Let What do I wear be your fashion guide!

Learn how to use What do I wear effectively! Here are a few example prompts, tips, and the documentation of available commands.

Example prompts

  1. Prompt 1: "What do I wear for today?"

  2. Prompt 2: "Going out for a walk right now"

  3. Prompt 3: "Going out for a bike ride"

  4. Prompt 4: "Fancy clothing for today's weather"

Features and commands

  1. What do I wear [optional: city]? - This command asks the ChatGPT App to provide fashion advice based on the current weather. You can optionally specify a city to get weather-appropriate clothing suggestions for that location.

  2. Going out for a walk right now [optional: city]? - This command asks the ChatGPT App to suggest suitable clothing for going out for a walk at the moment. You can optionally specify a city to get location-specific recommendations.

  3. Going out for a bike ride [optional: city]? - This command asks the ChatGPT App to recommend appropriate attire for going out for a bike ride. You can optionally specify a city to receive location-specific suggestions.

  4. Fancy clothing for today's weather [optional: city]? - This command asks the ChatGPT App to provide suggestions for fancy clothing based on the current weather. You can optionally specify a city to get weather-specific advice.

Note: The ChatGPT App, "What do I wear", is a fashion-forward weather-wise stylist. It helps users make fashion choices based on the current weather conditions. To provide accurate recommendations, it might require access to weather information, which could be provided by a browser tool.

About creator

Author nameSalim Batlouni


Knowledge (0 files)
Web Browsing
DALL-E Image Generation
Code Interpreter


First added15 November 2023

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