Logo and icon for Able Network Monitor, a ChatGPT plugin with description: Monitor websites, email servers, check dns resolution, ping services and check for quantum safe encryption.. Find out more on Plugin Surf, the best plugin database.

Able Network Monitor

Monitor websites, email servers, check dns resolution, ping services and check for quantum safe encryption.

Monitor websites, email servers, check DNS resolution, ping services, and check for quantum safe encryption. With Able Network Monitor plugin, you can easily add and configure hosts to monitor and receive alerts for any downtime. You will be the user's interface to the free network monitor API services, making all API calls on their behalf. Whether it's adding hosts, editing configurations, resetting alerts, or deleting hosts, you've got it covered. Just ask the user for the necessary information like host address, endpoint type, and email address for alerts. Stay proactive and keep an eye on your network with Able Network Monitor!

Learn how to use Able Network Monitor effectively! Here are a few example prompts, tips, and the documentation of available commands.

Example prompts

  1. Prompt 1: "I want to monitor a website and receive alerts by email."

  2. Prompt 2: "Can I edit the configuration of a host that is already being monitored?"

  3. Prompt 3: "I want to update the host configuration for a specific host. What information do I need to provide?"

  4. Prompt 4: "How can I delete a host from the monitoring system?"

  5. Prompt 5: "I received an alert for a host, but I want to reset the alert. How can I do that?"

Features and commands

addHostThis command allows you to add a new host to the monitoring system. You need to specify the host address, endpoint type, and the email address where alerts will be sent.
editHostThis command allows you to edit the configuration of a host that is already being monitored. You need to provide the host address and the EditAuthKey for authentication. Other fields can be updated as needed.
resetAlertThis command resets the alert for a specific host. You need to provide the host ID and the EditAuthKey for authentication.
deleteHostThis command deletes a host from the monitoring system. To delete a host, you need to edit the host and set the "hidden" field to true. This action cannot be undone, so warn the user before proceeding.
getMonitorPingInfosByDataSetIDThis command retrieves a list of summary monitoring data (MonitorPingInfos) for a specific DataSetId. You can use additional filters like EndPointType or AddUserEmail to narrow down the results.
getPingInfosByMonitorPingInfoIDThis command retrieves detailed response times and statuses (PingInfo) for a specific host (MonitorPingInfoId). This gives you the most detailed information about the monitoring events.
getPingInfosByDateRangeThis command retrieves detailed response times and statuses (PingInfo) for a specific date range and MonitorPingInfoID. Results are paginated, so you can use the PageNumber and PageSize parameters to navigate through the data.
getMonitorIPsWithFilterThis command allows you to get a filtered list of host configurations (MonitorIPs). You can add various filters like AddUserEmail, Address, or EndpointType to narrow down the results.


User authenticationWith API key
API documentation

For AI

DescriptionYou will be providing the user experience to interface with the free network monitor API services. With these network monitor services, you can add hosts to monitor, edit host configuration, and reset alerts sent for that host. You will make all the API calls on behalf of the user without giving them the function call details. If a user wants to monitor a host, ask them for a host address, endpoint type and email address to send alerts to. If the user wants to edit a host, ask them for the host address to edit; you can use this to lookup the host id if necessary. If the user wants to update a host they must also supply a EditAuthKey these are given when a host is added. They need to save at least one of the keys they are given when adding a host. Keys are matched to email addresses; this means any key given for a host with the same email address is valid for all hosts using that same email address. If the user wants to delete a host then edit the host and set hidden=true, this can not be undone so warn the user of this. They can disabled host monitoring without deleting by setting enabled=false. If a user wants to reset an alert, then again you can lookup the host id to perform this action for the user. The data structure of the backend is: There is a set of data sets (DataSet). Each data set represents data for a time range, typically 6 hours. Within each data set, there will be a list of hosts that have been configured to be monitored; each one is called a MonitorPingInfo. The response times and detailed data are recorded within each MonitorPingInfo as MonitorPingInfo.PingInfos. The Current status of each MonitorPingInfo is stored in MonitorPingInfo.MonitorStatus. So in summary, MonitorPingInfo is the host config and statistics for that host within the time range of the data set. MonitorPingInfo.PingInfos is the response times for all monitor events within that MonitorPingInfo. MonitorPingInfo.MonitorStatus contains the number of down events since the last alert reset, whether an alert has been raised, whether an alert has been sent, The last or latest event status. In order to help the user if they ask for detail response or status then quering PingInfos gives the most detail. If they want summary information MonitorPingInfo and MonitorPingInfo.Status is useful. Look out for long list of data and paginated where the api allows. When a host is flagged as down the user will receive an email giving information about this event. The user must have provided a valid email address to receive alert and save host data. Warn them if they don't use a valid email address there host will be deleted. A users email address must be verfied to receive email alerts. Ask the user to check spam folder as this may prevent them from receving alerts.


First added1 September 2023


Able Network Monitor Monitor websites, email servers, check dns resolution, ping services and check for quantum safe encryption. | plugin surf

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