ASH by Currently it provides currency converter.
ASH by is a versatile plugin that serves as a currency converter. With various API endpoints, it allows you to perform desired computations related to currency conversion. You can access the '/v1/currency_converter/sources' endpoint to quickly explore its capabilities, such as supported sources and currencies, as well as the data availability date range for each currency. Whether you're a frequent traveler or a curious individual, ASH can help you effortlessly convert currencies. Give it a try and let ASH simplify your currency conversions!
How to
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API docs
Learn how to use ASH effectively! Here are a few example prompts, tips, and the documentation of available commands.
Example prompts
Prompt 1: "What are the available sources for currency exchange rate data?"
Prompt 2: "Give me a list of all available currencies."
Prompt 3: "What currencies are available for the European Central Bank as the source?"
Prompt 4: "Convert 100 USD to EUR using the European Central Bank as the source."
Prompt 5: "Convert 50 GBP to USD using the Federal Reserve Bank of USA as the source."
Features and commands
Feature/Command | Description |
get_sources_all | This command returns a list of available sources (currency exchange rate data providers) for exchange rate data. It provides information about the source identifier, source name, and base currency for each source. |
get_currencies_all | This command returns a list of all available currencies across all available sources. It provides information about the currency code and currency name for each currency, along with the sources that support the currency. |
get_currencies_by_source | This command returns a list of currencies available for the specified exchange rate provider (source). It provides information about the currency code and currency name for each currency supported by the source. |
convert_from_currency_to_currency_by_source | This command converts one currency to another, using exchange rate data from the specified source. The command requires the source, from_currency, and to_currency parameters, and optionally the amount, date, decimal_places, and max_days_old parameters. It returns the converted amount, rate source, rate date, and conversion timestamp. |