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Search code on GitHub repositories based on a query.

ChatWithGit is a plugin that allows users to search GitHub code repositories based on a query. This plugin saves you time and effort by quickly fetching relevant code chunks from GitHub that match your query. With ChatWithGit, you can search for code snippets using keywords like language, repository name and file path. You can also fetch metadata for file content and file path fields to easily find the definition you're looking for. Whether you're trying to find a specific code snippet or browsing through repositories for inspiration, ChatWithGit has got you covered.

Learn how to use ChatWithGit effectively! Here are a few example prompts, tips, and the documentation of available commands.

Example prompts

  1. Prompt 1: "I want to find code examples for implementing a login feature in Python."

  2. Prompt 2: "Can you help me find code snippets for sorting an array in JavaScript?"

  3. Prompt 3: "I need to find examples of how to calculate the factorial of a number in C++."

  4. Prompt 4: "Find code samples for creating a responsive navigation menu in HTML/CSS."

  5. Prompt 5: "Can you help me find code snippets for handling file uploads in Java?"

Features and commands

queryGitThis command allows you to search code on GitHub repositories based on a query. The system will fetch the relevant code chunks from GitHub. You must always include at least one search term when searching for source code. For example, searching for language:go is not valid, while amazing language:go is. You can get text match metadata for the file content and file path fields when you pass the text-match media type. For example, you can search for the keyword addClass within a file's contents and limit the search to files where the language is JavaScript in the jquery/jquery repository using the query language:js+repo:jquery/jquery.


User authenticationNo user authentication
API documentation

For AI

DescriptionAllows users to search code on GitHub repositories based on a query. Users can provide a search query, and the system will fetch the relevant code chunks from GitHub. You can only fetch relevant chunks of code from Github search. You must always include at least one search term when searching source code. For example, searching for language:go is not valid, while amazing language:go is. When searching for code, you can get text match metadata for the file content and file path fields when you pass the text-match media type. For example, if you want to find the definition of the addClass function inside jQuery repository, your query would look something like this: language:js+repo:jquery/jquery This query searches for the keyword addClass within a file's contents. The query limits the search to files where the language is JavaScript in the jquery/jquery repository. You can only use links that are clearly defined in the response in your response.


First added20 June 2023


ChatWithGit Search code on GitHub repositories based on a query. | plugin surf

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