Logo and icon for Clearbit, a ChatGPT plugin with description: Access Clearbit Enrichment, Prospecting, Reveal APIs and website visitors data to access information about companies.. Find out more on Plugin Surf, the best plugin database.


Access Clearbit Enrichment, Prospecting, Reveal APIs and website visitors data to access information about companies.

Get comprehensive details about companies with Clearbit plugin. By integrating with Clearbit's Enrichment, Prospecting, Reveal APIs and website visitors data, you can access their information such as company name, size, location, employee count, website, contact numbers, revenue, and more. All results displayed in markdown tables. Use Clearbit to research companies for a sales pitch or get insights about your own website visitors. The plugin is easy to set up and integrates with most chat platforms.

Learn how to use Clearbit effectively! Here are a few example prompts, tips, and the documentation of available commands.

Example prompts

  1. Prompt 1: "I want to retrieve the weekly visitor report for my website."

  2. Prompt 2: "Can you provide information about specific companies that visited my website recently?"

  3. Prompt 3: "Search for people working at a specific company."

  4. Prompt 4: "Find companies that match specific parameters, like location and number of employees."

  5. Prompt 5: "Get person enrichment information using their email address."

  6. Prompt 6: "Get company enrichment information using their domain."

Features and commands

weekly_visitor_reportThis command retrieves the traffic, visitors, and pageviews of your website from the latest weekly report. Please note that the report might not include very recent accesses depending on the report generation date.

| weekly_visitor_report_companies | This command retrieves information about specific companies that might have visited your website in the last few days according to your latest weekly visitor report. You need to provide an array of company domains to check if they are among your latest visitors in the weekly visitors report pageview. |

| prospector_people_search | This command allows you to search for companies with various filters and parameters. You can search by role, seniority, title, city, state, country, and name of a person. You can also specify the results page to show and the limit of results per page. |

| discovery_companies_search | This command allows you to search for companies with various filters and parameters. You need to provide a query in the format of filter:value to search for companies. Supported filters include domain, name, location, state, city, country, employees (range), founded_year (range), market_cap (range), raised (range), industry, sub_industry, sector, tag, tech (technologies used by the company), and type (values are: education, government, nonprofit, private, public, or personal). You can also use operators like or and not. |

| person_enrichment | This command retrieves person enrichment information using their email address. You need to provide the person's email address to search for. |

| company_enrichment | This command retrieves company enrichment information using their domain. You need to provide the domain of the company you want to search for. |


User authenticationOAuth2
API documentation

For AI

DescriptionAccess Clearbit Enrichment, Prospecting, Reveal APIs and website visitors data to access information about companies. Always display results using markdown tables


First added20 June 2023


Clearbit Access Clearbit Enrichment, Prospecting, Reveal APIs and website visitors data to access information about companies. | plugin surf

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