Logo and icon for Gerrit for Chromium, a ChatGPT plugin with description: Search Gerrit Code Review for Google Chrome. Helps analyzing code changes, bugs, features, and more.. Find out more on Plugin Surf, the best plugin database.

Gerrit for Chromium

Search Gerrit Code Review for Google Chrome. Helps analyzing code changes, bugs, features, and more.

Search Gerrit Code Review for Google Chrome to analyze code changes, bugs, and features. Find new features in Google Chrome (Chromium), V8, and other Chromium projects. Look up links, changes, files, or specific lines in files. Discover what caused a bug or understand a change. Identify authors and reviewers of changes. Retrieve detailed information and summarizations about active changes. Perform power-user queries with optional parameters for accurate and verbose responses. This plugin provides a powerful tool for developers to navigate and understand the code review process within the Chromium ecosystem.

Learn how to use Gerrit for Chromium effectively! Here are a few example prompts, tips, and the documentation of available commands.

Example prompts

  1. Prompt 1: "Can you help me analyze code changes in Google Chrome?"

  2. Prompt 2: "I'm interested in finding new features in Chromium. Can you assist?"

  3. Prompt 3: "I want to know who reviewed a specific change in Google Chrome."

  4. Prompt 4: "Can you find the details of a file in Chromium?"

  5. Prompt 5: "What caused a bug in Chromium? Can you help me figure it out?"

Features and commands

lookupLinkThis feature allows you to look up links on chromium-review.googlesource.com. You can provide the URL you want to look up, and the plugin will provide the information associated with that link.
lookupChangeThis command allows you to look up a specific change in Google Chrome by providing the change ID. The plugin will provide information about the change, including the author, reviewers, and details of the change.
lookupFileThis command allows you to look up a specific file in Google Chrome by providing the file path. The plugin will provide information about the file, including its location and other details.
lookupLineThis command allows you to look up a specific line in a file in Google Chrome by providing the file path and line number. The plugin will provide information about the line, including the code or content at that line.
queryChangesByAuthorThis command allows you to query Chromium Gerrit for changes made by a specific author or owner. You need to provide the author's name or ID, and the plugin will retrieve the relevant changes made by that user.
summarizeActiveChangeThis command retrieves and summarizes the information of an active change in Google Chrome. You need to provide the change ID, and the plugin will provide a summary of all the changes done for that particular change.


User authenticationOAuth2
API documentation

For AI

DescriptionAccess Gerrit Code Review for Google Chrome. Helps analyzing code changes, bugs, features, and more. Can be used to find new features in Google Chrome (also known as Chromium), V8, and other Chromium projects. If the user asks about links on chromium-review.googlesource.com, we can look those up. If the user asks about a change, we can look up the change. If the user asks about a file, we can look up the file. If the user asks about a line in a file, we can look up the line in the file. Useful for figuring out what caused a bug, or what a change does. Can also be used to find out who wrote a change, or who reviewed a change. If the user asks about the changes made form a specific author/owner we can query Chromium Gerrit for changes made by that user. If the user asks for a summarization about all of the changes done for an active change we can do so by retrieving the information and summarizing it for them. This tool will allow users to perform power-user queries implementing optional parameters that the user may not know of to provide a more accurate and verbose response.


First added29 October 2023


Gerrit for Chromium Search Gerrit Code Review for Google Chrome. Helps analyzing code changes, bugs, features, and more. | plugin surf

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