Logo and icon for MultiSheet, a ChatGPT plugin with description: Generate Excel sheets (XLSX) with multiple tabs effortlessly and Securely.
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Generate Excel sheets (XLSX) with multiple tabs effortlessly and Securely.

Generate Excel sheets with multiple tabs effortlessly and securely using MultiSheet plugin. In just two simple steps, you can create an xls for the user and save it to storage. This plugin makes it easy to organize and manage data in Excel files, allowing you to be more productive and efficient. With MultiSheet, you'll never have to worry about manually creating multiple tabs in your Excel sheets again!

Learn how to use MultiSheet effectively! Here are a few example prompts, tips, and the documentation of available commands.

Example prompts

  1. Prompt 1: "Can you generate an Excel file with multiple sheets based on my query?"

  2. Prompt 2: "I need to save the Excel file that was generated in step 1 to storage."

  3. Prompt 3: "Can you generate an Excel file with a single sheet using this data?"

  4. Prompt 4: "I want to save the Excel file generated in step 1 to storage."

Features and commands

generate_dataThis command retrieves data for a user and tabulates it in an Excel file based on their query. This is the first step and must always be completed. You need to provide the query as a parameter.
save_to_s3_xlsx_multipleThis command saves the generated Excel file with multiple sheets to S3 storage. You need to provide the data as a JSON array of arrays, where each array represents a row in the sheet. You can also specify whether to include headers in the Excel file. This command can be used only after completing step 1.
save_to_s3_xlsxThis command saves the generated Excel file with a single sheet to S3 storage. You need to provide the data as a JSON array, where each element represents a row in the sheet. You can also specify whether to include headers in the Excel file. This command can be used only after completing step 1.


User authenticationNo user authentication
API documentation

For AI

DescriptionIn step 1 you generate an xls for the user, in step 2 you save it to storage


First added13 October 2023


MultiSheet Generate Excel sheets (XLSX) with multiple tabs effortlessly and Securely.
 | plugin surf

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