Have questions about the housing market? Find the answers to help you win in today's market.
Looking for real estate information in the US or Canada? Redfin can help. This plugin provides you with the latest real estate listings, market trends, and mortgage rates. Simply ask Redfin to assist you in your search and it will provide accurate and current information. Redfin is the perfect tool for anyone looking for a new home or investment property.
How to
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API docs
Learn how to use Redfin effectively! Here are a few example prompts, tips, and the documentation of available commands.
Example prompts
Prompt 1: "Can you help me find listings for houses in California?"
Prompt 2: "What are the current trends in the real estate market in Canada?"
Prompt 3: "Can you provide information about mortgage rates in the United States?"
Prompt 4: "I'm interested in buying a property in New York, can you help me find available options?"
Prompt 5: "Are there any open houses scheduled in my area this weekend?"
Features and commands
Feature/Command | Description |
searchListings | This command allows you to search for real estate listings based on specific criteria, such as location, property type, price range, and more. |
getMarketTrends | This command retrieves the current trends in the real estate market for a given location. It provides information on factors such as average home prices, market inventory, and days on market. |
tourHomes | This command helps you schedule tours to visit properties you are interested in. You can provide the date, time, and location preferences, and it will assist you in making arrangements with real estate agents or sellers. |
getMortgageRate | This command provides information about the current mortgage rates for different types of loans in a specific location. It can help you compare rates and estimate your monthly payments. |